One Day

As we are vastly approaching Bo’s third, yes THIRD birthday, I am just a ball of emotions and I often find myself reminincing on what Bo used to say or do but looking forward to the next day, learning and seeing the world through his eyes.  It is amazing how much he changes in one day.

Many of you reading this today are new moms and while I know you are in this head space of amazement, more love than you have ever imagined, and awe, I know you are also exhausted, scared, probably still a little sore, and trying to figure out how to be the best mom to your new little baby.  Trust me, many of us have been there and while I wish that I could promise you it is going to get easy, I can’t.  Things don’t get easier, you just become.  You are equipped with everything that you need to become the most amazing mama to your little one and he/she loves and depends on you more than you could ever imagine.

I never truly understood “time flies” until I had Bo.  It is almost like I blinked, and here he has been with us over 1,000 days.  Bo cried all day everyday for the first 9 months of his life, and when I say all day everyday, from the time he woke up about 6 AM until he went to sleep, a little past midnight, he cried.  I cried, I begged, I prayed, we tried EVERYTHING we knew to do and nothing soothed him or helped.  People would ask “are you ready for another” and while we still are not, I remember thinking “there is no way…as much as he cried, I cant do this again.”

Looking back now, when those days seemed to have lasted for years, that was such a short time and I truly don’t even remember how “terrible” (and I say that with all the love and thankfulness in my body but you know what I mean) those days were.  I can only remember all of the sweet yawns, smiles, koos and kas, his first steps, the first time he said mama, the first time he said “wub you,” his first time to the beach, his first time using the toilet (and oh how excited he was to flush it for the first time).  So while I cannot tell you it will get easier, it doesn’t, but what I can promise you is that one day your baby will sleep through the night… One day your baby will stop crying.  One day your baby will say, “Mama.” One day your baby will smile at you, a genuine smile just for you. One day it will be the last time you give your baby a bottle (Bo has quit asking and even tho he is over 2 1/2, I knew that a bottle at night was good nutrition so we have given him one every night since he was born).  One day he will eat more than a McDonald’s happy meal.  One day, you will take down the high chair and put the toys away.  One day that car seat won’t be rear-facing.  One day it will be the last time you rock your baby to sleep.  One day your little one will be holding your hand instead of riding in a stroller.  One day your baby will be potty trained.  One day you won’t have to fight over bath-time.  One day they will want to watch something other than Paw Patrol.  One day it will be the last time you pick your little one up.  One day your kid will tell you a joke that makes you belly laugh and you’ll wonder how you ever lived before knowing this person.  One day you’ll have to wake up your kid, instead of being woken up by them.  One day your kid will start school and you’ll wonder how you got here so fast. One day you will come home to a clean, quiet home.  One day your baby will drive, and go off to college, and get married.

So, slow down, mama.  Take a deep breath, and be present as you will never have this day with your child again.  Say yes to one more book, say yes to one more hug, say yes to one more goodnight kiss.  These days are long but the years are so short. Soak in every snuggle and meltdown and mid-night wake up… those will be gone before you know it and you’ll give anything just to rock your baby to sleep one more night.

Photography by Pasha Belman Photography  |  My dress is linked here.


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1 Comment

  1. Jennifer Redding
    August 20, 2020 / 3:29 pm

    Wow!! As I type this through the tears, every bit of what you said is so true. I have 2 boys and they are 17 and 15…and they are MY EVERYTHING! They are my heartbeat on the outside of my body. Gage, my 17 year old will be a Senior in high school this year and every single time I think about it I just cry! My boys are football players, baseball players and avid deer/duck hunters….but let me tell you, they will still lay over in my lap for me to scratch their back or their head and I LOVE IT!!!! My favorite book to read to them is, “LOVE YOU FOREVER”. I absolutely cannot read it without crying. My best friend and I said, this whole growing up thing was fun when it was us….but absolutely SUCKS now that we have kids. Mom to Mom….it doesn’t matter how stupid or silly we look doing what they ask….IT IS A MEMORY THAT WILL LAST FOREVER! Now…go out there and keep killin it as an AWESOME MOM!!!
