Warning you now, this is a super long post but such a sweet one!
On August 19th, my amazing friends and family threw Shawn and I the most beautiful baby shower to celebrate Baby Bo that we could have ever dreamed of! I swear every detail was PERFECT and we are so glad that so many of our friends and family could all get together, and eat some amazing food too!
The BEAUTIFUL hosts, xoxo! I am forever grateful for these ladies!
I wanted our shower in Virginia to be at my parents house, outside-under their string lights, and these girls made that happen. My cousin Clint, from Your Grate Escape, catered our shower and talk about AMAZING! He did a Pasta Station (ah, the Alfredo sauce was DELICIOUS) for us with Caprese Skewers, Mini Salads, Cheeses, and the most delicious desserts you could imagine-if you haven’t had his brownies, you are missing out! Our local florist went above and beyond on the flowers used as centerpieces and on my chair as well as the beautiful blue stroller. One of my favorite touches to the shower was the adorable mini champagne bottles they gave as party favors. On them they said “Baby Bo is coming, the time is getting near…When you get the big news, POP your bottle and send us a cheer!” So cute and I am hoping to get lots of snaps or selfies of everyone popping their bottles when they hear Bo has arrived!!! We cannot thank everyone who came (and the ones who couldn’t make it) enough for spending the evening with us and bringing Bo a gift or book! He has so many incredible books, including ones that I loved when I was a kid, and we cannot wait to read them to him. Shawn has already been reading to him and it is moments I will remember forever.
During the baby shower, we were able to sneak some pictures by ourself and with family. As soon as my mom told me about the shower, I KNEW we had to have Rachel Wells Photography shoot the shower. Her photography is absolutely gorgeous and I could spend all day scrolling through her pictures. Not only is she fabulous at what she does, she is also a sweet, sweet momma to two beautiful baby boys (the way she dresses them = perfection), so to have her to ask a million questions to is wonderful. Rachel will be with us right after Bo is born to shoot his first photos in the hospital and we couldn’t ask for a sweeter soul to share this moment with us.
Last but not least, wanted to just take a minute and do a quick bump date for y’all!
How far along: 33 Weeks!
When is your due date: October 31st
Name: Boeing Everett Becker
Movement: ALL the time. Our doctor gave us a “kick count” form to fill out and I think we pretty much filled it out in the first day, hehe.
Belly Button: I kept saying if I can just make it through our baby moon without it poking out I will be happy! We have been home over a week and it still isn’t out, so HOPEFULLY it will just stay in!
Cravings: Sadly, I still haven’t had any cravings. Thankfully when I am hungry I know what sounds good at that time and try and eat it. Of course I love donuts but some donuts have been giving me worse heartburn than others, sounds so weird but it’s true.
Size: Bo is the size of a Cauliflower Blossom. He weighs about 4.5 pounds.
Weight Gain: Thus far, I have gained about 20 pounds. When I was 13 weeks pregnant (I had lost weight) I weighed 109 and when I went to the doctor on Tuesday I was 129.3.
Physical Changes: Other than my SUPER ROUND belly and growing boobs, my body has not changed a whole lot. Supposedly “from the back I don’t look pregnant.” -Whatever that means, haha!
Nursery: Bo has a nursery at Lake Norman where he will come home to that is completely finished and his nursery in Myrtle Beach where he will eventually go is ALMOST done. We’re just missing his changing table/dresser and a bookshelf that we ordered from Restoration Hardware. Other than that, the nurseries are COMPLETE! When we are in Virginia, he will hopefully just sleep in a halo.
What belly butter are you using? Mama Bee Belly Butter
Will you be taking time off: Yes. Black Friday is my hopeful “back to work” day, IF he comes on October 31st. I LOVE Black Friday at the store so I hope to be back 100% then, but we will see how that goes. I will still run the store from Lake Norman and maybe peek in a time or two! Thankfully, I have the best employees so I am not worried about it at all!
Any other questions you all may have, you can possibly find the answers on my 22 Week Bumpdate, found here. Skin questions, what we have registered for/bought, my workout, etc is all answered there. Shew, okay, sorry for the picture overload, BUT I JUST COULDN’T CHOOSE A FEW! Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL day!!! The NEXT time I post, BO MAY BE HERE!!! #ITSBOTIME